
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mask Making

Certainly living on an island offers advantages.   One advantage about this island is the wonderful artistic community we have here.   Lots of art galleries and lots of opportunities to participate in art workshops and classes.    The Studios of Key West offers lots of opportunities that would be impossible in lots of communities.
Yesterday John McBride of Maskerville presented a 3 hour workshop on making a mask.    October is a big month on the island, concluding with Fantasy Fest.  Masks and costumes are quite necessity to fully participate in the fest. 
John McBride is a mask maker for Cirquie Du Soleil and certainly offers a great workshop.   Everyone walked away with their own mask. 
What was funny, was everyone was instructed to spend some time picking out their favorite fabric.   I picked mine in about 3 seconds.   Anyone who knows me well, knows that in my world, 'red is a neutral'.   I thought it was a good choice and walked away, knowing it was a perfect choice.